CLAS 260 QUIZ 4_ Creation, Demeter _ Fall 2020

Cornell University

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CLAS 260 QUIZ 4_ Creation, Demeter _ Fall 2020
  • CLAS 260 QUIZ 4_ Creation, Demeter _ Fall 2020

  • Examen • 19 páginas • 2021
  • Why is Prometheus punished by Zeus? Select one: a. Zeus feared that Prometheus would one day set the other Titans free. b. He hid the new-born god, Dionysus, who Zeus feared would overthrow him one day. c. He tried to rape Zeus' wife, Hera. d. He tricked Zeus twice, once in a sacrifice and another in giving fire to human beings. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: He tricked Zeus twice, once in a sacrifice and another in giving fire to human beings
  • $13.49
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