Transactie Study guides, Class notes & Summaries

Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Transactie? On this page you'll find 12 study documents about Transactie.

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Marketing Management
  • Marketing Management

  • Exam (elaborations) • 82 pages • 2023
  • Marketing Management Marketing Management 2019-2020 Marketing Management 2019-2020 FLORIAN VLAEMMINCK 7 Hoofdstuk 1: Wat is marketing? Klantgericht: klant staat centraal Advertiser vs Consumer: • De marketeer kent zijn klant niet meer: o Verkeerde communicatie want nu wil men persoonlijk aangesproken worden o Nu gaat men dus veel meer klantgericht (vroeger productgericht) Marketing is: • Behoefte van klant bevredigen • Klanttevredenheid op een winstgevende manier o Waarde cr...
  • $15.49
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  • Other • 4 pages • 2023
  • Massamarketing - Marketing die zich richt op breed en naamloos publiek - En is gericht op indirecte verkoop - Via diverse distributiekanalen Klantvermogen Totale levenslange waarde van alle klanten van een bedrijf Plaats Alle activiteiten van bedrijf om product of dienst beschikbaar te stellen aan klant Proces Wijze waarop marketingaanbod van diensten tot stand komt Vraag Wensen die worden gesteund door koopkracht Transactie - Ruil tussen 2 partijen - Ten minste 2 zaken van waard...
  • $5.99
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Uitgebreide Samenvatting Leerstof van Gedrag in Organisaties (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
  • Uitgebreide Samenvatting Leerstof van Gedrag in Organisaties (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)

  • Exam (elaborations) • 72 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • Uitgebreide Samenvatting Leerstof van Gedrag in Organisaties (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen). Wat is de geschiedenis van organisatiegedrag? Alhoewel er steeds meer onderzoek wordt gedaan naar de invloed van mensen in organisaties is de historie in dit vakgebied ook nog steeds belangrijk. Het is daarom nuttig om terug te kijken naar de theorieën van vroeger. In de negentiende eeuw bestudeerde Karl Marx de ontwikkeling van de arbeidersklasse terwijl Emile Durkheim zich bezig hield met de afnem...
  • $14.99
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No gain or loss is recognized on the transfer of assets from one corporation to another for stock or securities of the transferee corporation as long as the transferor owns 80% of the transferee's stock after the transaction.
  • No gain or loss is recognized on the transfer of assets from one corporation to another for stock or securities of the transferee corporation as long as the transferor owns 80% of the transferee's stock after the transaction.

  • Essay • 3 pages • 2023
  • No gain or loss is recognized on the transfer of assets from one corporation to another for stock or securities of the transferee corporation as long as the transferor owns 80% of the transferee's stock after the transaction.
  • $7.69
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ACC450   W5Assignment.docx  ACC450  Problems Week 5  Grantham University  Problems Week 5  ï‚·   Chapter 9:  9-35. Refer to Exhibit 9.2. What are the major activities involved in generating and recording a sales transaction? What are the major documents g
  • ACC450 W5Assignment.docx ACC450 Problems Week 5 Grantham University Problems Week 5 ï‚· Chapter 9: 9-35. Refer to Exhibit 9.2. What are the major activities involved in generating and recording a sales transaction? What are the major documents g

  • Summary • 9 pages • 2021
  • ACC450 W5A ACC450 Problems Week 5 Grantham University Problems Week 5 ï‚· Chapter 9: 9-35. Refer to Exhibit 9.2. What are the major activities involved in generating and recording a sales transaction? What are the major documents generated as a part of each activity? Receive a Customer Purchase Order ï‚·Receiving a buying order from a customer or preparing a sales order by a salesperson is the first step in the processing process. Check Inventory Stock Status ï‚·M...
  • $7.49
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Chapter 13. Auditing Long-Term Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Transactions
  • Chapter 13. Auditing Long-Term Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Transactions

  • Exam (elaborations) • 28 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • Chapter 13. Auditing Long-Term Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Transactions/ 1 ...
  • $7.49
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A transaction must have the following four properties, called ACID properties (also called ACIDITY of a transaction), to ensure that a database remains at a stable state after the transaction is executed:
  • A transaction must have the following four properties, called ACID properties (also called ACIDITY of a transaction), to ensure that a database remains at a stable state after the transaction is executed:

  • Class notes • 3 pages • 2022
  • $20.49
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Complete summary of Voidable Transactions in an insolvency, covering Lecture and Chapter and SGS (Classes) with activities and solutions
  • Complete summary of Voidable Transactions in an insolvency, covering Lecture and Chapter and SGS (Classes) with activities and solutions

  • Summary • 8 pages • 2021
  • Challenging Voidable Transactions in an Insolvency.
  • $39.10
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1.	(TCO 1) Suppose your company sold $25,000 in merchandise to a customer for cash. How does this transaction impact the accounting equation? (Points : 12)  Assets 		=	Liabilities   + 	Capital +25000		=			+25000 It will increase assets&capital by $25000.
  • 1. (TCO 1) Suppose your company sold $25,000 in merchandise to a customer for cash. How does this transaction impact the accounting equation? (Points : 12) Assets = Liabilities + Capital +25000 = +25000 It will increase assets&capital by $25000.

  • Summary • 4 pages • 2020
  • 1. (TCO 1) Suppose your company sold $25,000 in merchandise to a customer for cash. How does this transaction impact the accounting equation? (Points : 12) Assets = Liabilities + Capital +25000 = +25000 It will increase assets&capital by $25000. 2. (TCO 2) Suppose your company sold $50,000 in merchandise to a customer for cash. How does this transaction impact the accounting equation? (Points : 12) Assets = Liabilities + Capital +50000 = +50000 It will i...
  • $7.49
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Directors Duties and Directors Transactions
  • Directors Duties and Directors Transactions

  • Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2019
  • 14 pages of consolidated notes on directors duties, authority and liability with expectations and consequences of breaching. Notes of how directors can avoid liability for transactions. Substantial property Transactions (SPTs), loans to directors and payment for loss of office also covered as well overview of other areas where directors may be liable.
  • $9.60
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