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PORTAGE LEARNING CHEMISTRY 103 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE MODULES 1-6 MODULE 1 – EXAM Question 1 – Section 1.1 10 / 10 pts Complete the two problems below:

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PORTAGE LEARNING CHEMISTRY 103 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE MODULES 1-6 MODULE 1 – EXAM Question 1 – Section 1.1 10 / 10 pts Complete the two problems below: 1. Convert 1005.3 to exponential form and explain your answer. 2. Convert 4.87 x 10-6 to ordinary form and explain your answer. Your Answer: 1.) Convert 1005.3 to exponential form and explain your answer: All number values must be between 1-10. Because this value is greater than 1, the exponent remains positive. In order for this t...

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  • Examen
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por joycewanjiku0036 • 
  • subido  14-01-2024
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