

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor nagasuprithedu2348.


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3 artículos

Remote sensing

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Remote sensing is a powerful and versatile technology used to gather information about the Earth's surface and its environment without direct physical contact.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 11 páginas • 
  • por nagasuprithedu2348 • 
  • subido  05-09-2023
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Photogrammetry is a versatile and precise technique for obtaining detailed measurements and three-dimensional information about objects, terrain, and structures using photographs or imagery. It involves the process of capturing, analyzing, and interpreting photographs to derive accurate spatial data

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por nagasuprithedu2348 • 
  • subido  05-09-2023
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Basic Surveying

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Surveying is a multidisciplinary practice that encompasses the art and science of measuring and mapping the Earth's surface and its features. It is a fundamental aspect of various fields, including civil engineering, construction, land management, urban planning, and environmental monitoring. The primary objective of surveying is to gather precise data about the shape, size, and location of physical objects and terrain on the Earth's surface.

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 17 páginas • 
  • por nagasuprithedu2348 • 
  • subido  05-09-2023
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