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NBHWC National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching Exam Bundle $41.49   In den Einkaufswagen


NBHWC National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching Exam Bundle

NBHWC National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching Exam Bundle

25 Sachen

NBHWC Exam Prep Test Questions with Complete Solutions A+


Locke + Latham Theory: why goals lead to behavior change - DEPAD Directive, Energizing, Persistence, Arousal + Discovery 3 Key Risk factors for heart disease - high BP, high cholesterol, smoking (half of all Americans have at least one) What is the "silent killer?" - high blood pres...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Practice Questions with Complete Solutions Rated A+


A 40-year-old man speaks with the coach on the phone as part of a lifestyle management program to decrease his stress. During today's session, the client sets a goal of practicing relaxation exercises that consist of deep breathing, light stretching, and visualization for at least 15 minutes daily....

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam Prep Questions with Complete Solutions Graded A+


The readiness to change ruler is a self-report scale from 0 to 10 that helps a coach gage when a client might be ready to change. Which of the following questions would be best for someone who answers in the middle (e.g. a 5 or a 6)? (Muth, pg. 49) A. What might put the mark a little higher on th...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


The readiness to change ruler is a self-report scale from 0 to 10 that helps a coach gage when a client might be ready to change. Which of the following questions would be best for someone who answers in the middle (e.g. a 5 or a 6)? (Muth, pg. 49) A. What might put the mark a little higher on th...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Practice Test Questions with Correct Answers A+


Practice Question #219: A 39-year old man comes to his coach for their 4th session. The man is working on reducing the amount of sugar that he eats. Client: I get so irritable when I don't have sugar. Coach: Giving up sugar is causing some unpleasant side effects. Client: Yeah, I knew it was...

Zum Beispiel

MI Terms & Study Guide NBHWC Exam Questions and Answers


4 Central components of MI - Acceptance, compassion, evocation, partnership Activation language - mobilizing change talk towards action, falls short of commitment language. ie. Ready, willing, considering Acceptance - Coach communicates self-worth, accurate empathy, affirmation, and a...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Test Questions with Complete Answers Graded A+


A 26-year-old man comes to the coach's office for his ninth weekly session. He was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome 7 months ago. He has been working earnestly on his goal to decrease his BMI from 32 kg/m2 to less than 27 kg/m2. He made steady progress in the first 7 weeks, but his weight has pla...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam Prep (from slack channel) Questions and Correct Solutions


A 48 year-old, female client is on her fifth coaching session and has made some progress toward her goal to eat a serving of fruit and a serving of vegetables every day at work for lunch. She indicated that she does struggle the most whenever her co-workers go out to lunch because she either has to ...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam Questions with Complete Solutions Rated A+


systolic blood pressure - the upper number in the fraction that measures blood pressure, indicating pressure on the walls of the arteries when the heart contracts diastolic blood pressure - the lower number in the fraction that measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests be...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam - Real Balance Complementary Theories Guide Questions and Answers A+


self-determination theory (SDT) - represents a broad framework for the study of human motivation and personality. self-determination theory (SDT) - articulates a meta theory for framing motivational studies, a formal theory that defines intrinsic and varied extrinsic sources of motivation, ...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Section 1: Coaching Structure Questions with Answers Rated A+


Four phases of a coaching program Prospect Start-up Ongoing sessions Program close/wrap up Coach preparation prior to the session reviews materials eliminates distractions takes time to become mindful and present Competencies associated with session preparation Coach is c...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC 4 — Ethics/Legal Questions with Answers | A+


Definition of Self-Care - Taking care of oneself on all levels; a way of living that incorporates behaviors that enable one to maintain personal health and balance, replenish energy and motivation, and grow as a person. Definition of Burnout - The extinction of motivation or incentive, espe...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam – Health Test Questions with Complete Solutions A+


FPG stands for - Fasting Plasma Glucose/Fasting Blood Sugar A1C levels - Normal: below 5.7% Prediabetes: 5.7 to 6.4% Diabetes: 6.5% or above A1C definition - Glycated Hemoglobin FPG levels - Normal <100mg/dl Pre-diabetes 100-125 mg/dL Diabetes >126mg/dl Oral Glucose...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Section 3: General Health and Wellness and Chronic Diseases Questions with Correct Solutions A+


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) A federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United States with the goal of improving overall public health. (Evidence-based website) Healthy People 2020 A set of disease prevention ...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Health Test Questions with Correct Answers Graded A+


FPG stands for - Fasting Plasma Glucose FPG is also referred to as - Fasting Blood Sugar A1C levels - Normal: below 5.7% Prediabetes: 5.7 to 6.4% Diabetes: 6.5% or above A1C definition - Glycated Hemoglobin FPG levels - Normal <100mg/dl Pre-diabetes 100-125 mg/dL Di...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Exam Prep- Section 3 Content Outline Questions with Correct Solutions Graded A+


Influences of Well-being (Healthy People 2020) - - influences = Personal factors, social circumstances, and community environments - Outcomes of higher well-being = 1) very healthy and full of energy 2) satisfied, interested, and engaged 3) experience a sense of accomplishment from their act...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC – Ethics Test Questions with Complete Solutions Rated A+


Complete Solutions Rated A+ 4.1.1. Continue ongoing training and development as a health coach including emerging research / Book notes - - learning and growth is a lifelong journey - International Coach Federation (ICF) onr trdoutvr got identifying accredited coaching training programs coveri...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Health and Wellness Test Questions and Correct Solutions Rated A+


< 200mg/dl - total cholesterol <100mg/dL - Accetable LDL >/= 60 mg/dl - HDL desired level < 150 mg/dl - normal triglycerides 37" & below - Low Waist Circumference in Men 37.1"-39.9" - Intermediate Risk Waist Circumference in Men 40 " + - High Ri...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Practice Test Questions with Complete Solutions Rated A+


A coach noticed an advertisement in her local paper for another NBC-HWC certified health coach's services. The advertisement indicates that if people buy a 60-day supply of supplements the coach will give them 3 free coaching sessions. In addition, the advertisement indicates most people lose 30 po...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC 2 Test Questions with Complete Answers Graded A+


How many reflections should you aim for after a question? - Aim for at least 2 reflections for every question Definition of simple reflection - Paraphrases and succinctly states what the person is sayin in their won words Definition of complex reflection - Interpretations to add meani...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Study Principles Fall 2023 Questions with Correct Solutions


Change Talk (DARN CAT) - Desire Ability Reason Need Commitment Activation Taking steps Stages of Change (Transtheoretical Model) - Emphasizes the concept of a change process, each stage of which is a success to be celebrated. The focus is on readiness to change. The health educator ...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC BP, Metabolic Syndrome, CVD, Exercise, and More Questions and Answers


Average blood glucose past 2-3 months - Hemoglobin A1C - Normal < 5.7,% PRE-Diabetes 5.7% -6.4% Diabetes 6.5% (5) METABOLIC Risk Factors - 1) Lg Waist Measurement - Men > 40", Women > 35" 2) BLOOD PRESSURE - EITHER NUMBER > 130 / OR > 85 3) HIGH Triglycerides - > /...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC Section 4 Ethics/Legal-NBHWC Section 3 Biometrics Questions and Correct Answers


Professional conduct at large (Summarized) Contact NBHWC to address any ethics violation or possible breach as soon as I become aware of such situation, whether it involves me or others. Communicate and create awareness in others who might need to be informed of the responsibilities established...

Zum Beispiel

4.0 Ethics/Legal NBHWC Test Questions and Correct Solutions Rated A+


Competencies & professional conduct of Health and Wellness coach - >Ongoing Development of skills >Up-to-date with relevant research >Recertification procedures >Model healthy behavior skills and prioritize self-care >Avoid burnout, engage in self-awareness practices, have emot...

Zum Beispiel

NBHWC National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching Code of Ethics Definitions Questions and Answers


NBHWC National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching is committed to maintaining and promoting excellence in coaching. Therefore, NBHWC expects all credentialed health and wellness coaches (coaches, coach faculty and mentors, and students) to adhere to the elements and principles of ethical conduct...

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