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Resúmenes más recientes de Exploring the Body Machine, Part 1

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - CELLS Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - CELLS
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - CELLS

  • Notas de lectura • 15 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Cell theory 2. Major components of the cell 3. Characteristics and organelles in cells 4. Diffusion, osmosis, and tonicity 5. Transmembrane potential 6. Cell types found in the human body 7. Mitotic cell division 8. Transcription and translation in respect to cell function 9. Converting DNA sequence into a protein sequence 10. Gross anatomy vs microscopic anatomy 11. Microscope stru...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - NERVOUS SYSTEM Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - NERVOUS SYSTEM
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - NERVOUS SYSTEM

  • Notas de lectura • 11 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Command and control systems of the body 2. Different types of neurons both anatomically and functionally 3. Structure and function of the synapse 4. Types of neuroglia found in the CNS and PNS and describe their functions 5. Electrochemical gradient and its use in maintaining the transmembrane potential 6. Differences between action potentials and graded potentials 7. Steps fo a propagating...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology I - INTRODUCTION Human Anatomy and Physiology I - INTRODUCTION
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I - INTRODUCTION

  • Notas de lectura • 10 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Definition of anatomy and physiology 2. Defining characteristics of life 3. Difference between anatomy and physiology 4. Seven levels of organization in the human body 5. Eleven organ systems of human body and their functions 6. Anatomical position, planes of section, directional references, and major body regions 7. Body cavities 8. Abdominal regions and quadrants 9. Homeostasis and ...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology I - VISION Human Anatomy and Physiology I - VISION
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I - VISION

  • Notas de lectura • 8 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Properties of light 2. Wavelengths of light associated with the different colors 3. Surface anatomy features of the eye 4. Three tunics of the eye 5. Steps of vision physiology 6. Visual acuity and the meaning of 20/20 vision 7. Causes of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and cataracts My notes come strait from the powerpoint, book, and lecture. They are focused on organizing the informati...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology - TISSUES Human Anatomy and Physiology - TISSUES
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology - TISSUES

  • Notas de lectura • 8 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Definition of tissue 2. Four major tissue types 3. Subtypes of tissues 4. Location of tissue types in the body 5. Definition of body membrane 6. Four types of body membranes 7. Fascia types 8. Inflammation and regeneration of tissues My notes come strait from the powerpoint, book, and lecture. They are focused on organizing the information into an outline format so that it is easier to...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology I - INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Human Anatomy and Physiology I - INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I - INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM

  • Notas de lectura • 8 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Functions of the major organs of the integumentary system 2. Characteristics of the accessory structures of the integumentary system 3. Structure, function, and cells of the epidermis 4. Normal and pathological differences in skin color 5. Structure and function of the dermis 6. Characteristics of sensory receptors found in the integument 7. Characteristics of glands associated with the inte...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - BRAIN & CRANIAL NERVES Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - BRAIN & CRANIAL NERVES
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - BRAIN & CRANIAL NERVES

  • Notas de lectura • 7 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Six regions of the brain and their functions 2. Differences between gray matter and white matter in the CNS 3. Cranial nerves by name and number 4. Function of each cranial nerve 5. Cranial meninges and their functions My notes come strait from the powerpoint, book, and lecture. They are focused on organizing the information into an outline format so that it is easier to understand and creat...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - MUSCLE TISSUE Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - MUSCLE TISSUE
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - MUSCLE TISSUE

  • Notas de lectura • 7 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Three types of muscle tissue 2. Anatomy of skeletal muscle 3. Sliding filament theory 4. Steps of skeletal muscle contraction 5. Twitch, treppe, and tetanus 6. Motor units use within muscles 7. Differences between skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle My notes come strait from the powerpoint, book, and lecture. They are focused on organizing the information into an outline f...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - GENERAL SENSES Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - GENERAL SENSES
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - GENERAL SENSES

  • Notas de lectura • 5 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Definition of stimulus 2. Different types of receptors and describe their function 3. Receptors as transducers 4. Differences between tonic and phasic receptors 5. Muscle spindles and proprioception process 6. Types of receptors found in skin and what they detect My notes come strait from the powerpoint, book, and lecture. They are focused on organizing the information into an outline form...
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Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - SPINAL CORD & SPINAL NERVES Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - SPINAL CORD & SPINAL NERVES
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 - SPINAL CORD & SPINAL NERVES

  • Notas de lectura • 5 páginas • 2024
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  • In this chapter of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, the notes cover the following details... 1. Anatomy of spinal cord 2. Difference between gray matter and white matter 3. Protective meninges of the spinal cord 4. Structure of spinal nerves and their relationship with the spinal cord My notes come strait from the powerpoint, book, and lecture. They are focused on organizing the information into an outline format so that it is easier to understand and creates a more efficient way of stud...
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