PSY 335 (psy335)

Southern New Hampshire University

Hier vind je de beste samenvattingen om te slagen voor PSY 335 (psy335). Er zijn o.a. samenvattingen, aantekeningen en oefenvragen beschikbaar.

Alle 8 resultaten

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2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction and Data Analysis
  • 2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction and Data Analysis

  • Essay • 4 pagina's • 2023
  • Submit your draft of the final project's Introduction and Data Analysis section. The first step to creating a professional psychological report begins with considering the client's background, reason for referral, the conditions surrounding why an assessment is needed, who the stakeholder of the assessment is, and whether or not the factors surrounding the client's situation could impact the assessment. In this milestone, you will choose one of the two cases provided and will describe how you...
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1-3 Journal: Your experience with tests
  • 1-3 Journal: Your experience with tests

  • Overig • 1 pagina's • 2023
  • Referring to course concepts and psychometrics, what made your experience positive? Referring to course concepts and psychometrics, what negative experiences did you have? How could the negative experiences have been improved? Relate your answer to course theory and concepts. How do you think these lessons learned could apply to psychological assessment and testing?
  • $10.49
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1-2 Short Paper: Psychological Testing
  • 1-2 Short Paper: Psychological Testing

  • Essay • 8 pagina's • 2023
  • How do psychological tests differ; What are the different types ? How are they used, in what settings are they used, and by whom are they used? What are limitations of tests? How might testing be misused? What the legal and ethical issues related to testing?
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Final Psychological Report PSY335
  • Final Psychological Report PSY335

  • Overig • 9 pagina's • 2022
  • Imagine you have landed an internship as a psychologist’s assistant within a mental health organization. The psychologist needs your assistance in creating a psychological report for one of her clients. She has presented you with two case histories (which you will find below) and has asked you to complete the entire report, in which you will analyze the case history of your choosing and the corresponding data dossier to suggest results, conclusions, and recommendations for the client. The r...
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  • Overig • 4 pagina's • 2022
  • In order for psychologists to conduct effective assessments, they must interpret test data. This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze two sets of data and practice interpreting them. The included material contains two sets of data—Verbal IQ test scores and Reading test scores, along with descriptive statistics for each variable and correlation data comparing the two variables. Please answer the questions in the space provided in the Interpreting Statistics Worksheet.
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Discussion 6-1
  • Discussion 6-1

  • Overig • 2 pagina's • 2022
  • Take the Big 5 Personality Test. In your post, copy your results by cutting and pasting them from the final screen of the test. (Please note that you are only required to copy the information about yourself that you are comfortable sharing.) Assess whether you think your results were an accurate reflection of your personality and explain why they were or were not accurate. Explain how your results would have been described differently within traditional and current methods of behavioral assessme...
  • $9.49
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5-2 Journal Your Theory of Intelligence
  • 5-2 Journal Your Theory of Intelligence

  • Overig • 4 pagina's • 2022
  • In addition to formal theories of intelligence, everyone has his or her own informal theory of intelligence. In two to three paragraphs, answer the following questions: How do you recognize intelligence (or the lack thereof) when you see it? How does your theory conform to formal theories? What tasks, observations, or questions would you use to measure intelligence according to your personal theory? Justify and support your viewpoint with research.
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Which would you buy PSY335
  • Which would you buy PSY335

  • Essay • 4 pagina's • 2022
  • imagine that you have been put in charge of choosing a child-behavior-rating test for your agency. You will analyze the BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System and Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment behavior-rating tests. Using the ASEBA Catalog, the Pearson Clinical Catalog, and the Mental Measurements Yearbook, determine which is most appropriate, make a choice of which one to buy, and recommend and justify your choice.
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