

I Provide High quality work at a low price. You may find other documents on the Internet or this website however they don't always cover all the BTEC Criteria. This is why my work has the best standards and COVERS ALL THE CRITERIA, i go into a lot of detail from pass to distinction tasks, so you can use it as a guide/ template. Each piece of works takes around 3-4 hours and I only ask for a small contribution of your money.


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104 éléments

BTEC IT National Diploma Unit 41- P2 M2 D2

4x  vendu

P2- generate outline ideas for 3D models working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance M2- generate detailed ideas for 3D models showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance D2- generate thoroughly thought through ideas for 3D models showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

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  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
i x

M2- Justify the software, tools, file format, image resolution and colour depth used for creating graphic images

9x  vendu

For M2, learners must justify the choice of tools, file format, image resolution and colour depth used when creating the images. The ‘justification’ asks for the reasons why those specific items were used.

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  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
i x

P6- Explain the potential legal implications of using and editing graphical images

0x  vendu

P6 is purely theoretical, learners need to explain some of the legal pitfalls in using and editing graphics. Essentially, this is about copyright issues and gaining permission to use copyright products.

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  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 1 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
i x

P5- Modify images as a result of user feedback Logo

0x  vendu

For P5, learners must be given feedback from ‘users’, which in this case may be the tutors’ or other learners’ responses to the company stand. They should then modify designs based on this feedback and be able to explain the desired effect of these alterations.

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  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 1 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
i x

D2- Discuss the impact that file format, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth have on file size and image quality

4x  vendu

For D2, learners need to use different file formats, different compression techniques, different image resolutions and different colour depths, and for each show the final file sizes and the differences between them. Some will, of course, be more significant than others. Learners can receive guidance in selecting each attribute type but thereafter must produce the files and the comparison independently. It makes sense for learners to reflect on what they have used in creating the three associate...

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
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P5- Modify images as a result of user feedback Banner

0x  vendu

For P5, learners must be given feedback from ‘users’, which in this case may be the tutors’ or other learners’ responses to the company stand. They should then modify designs based on this feedback and be able to explain the desired effect of these alterations.

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 1 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
i x

P2- Design a relational database for a specified user need Data Dictionary

4x  vendu

For P2, learners must design a relational database containing at least five tables for a specified user need. Learners must provide evidence of appropriate normalisation and database design. Documentation such as ERDs, data dictionaries, DFDs, structured English etc will provide the evidence.

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  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
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D2- Evaluate a database against the specified user need.

2x  vendu

D2 requires learners to evaluate their databases’ success in meeting user need. Learners should not only discuss strengths and weaknesses, but justify the features and functions they have used and make suggestions for improvements.

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  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
i x

D1- Discuss how potential errors in the design and construction of a database can be avoided

2x  vendu

D1 is an opportunity for users to identify and explain a range of common errors in database design and construction, explaining how these types of errors can be avoided. As an example, learners could discuss the impact of errors such as the accidental deletion of a field in a query or report, the renaming of a field, changing data types etc.

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 10 pages • 
  • par topqualityworka • 
  • publié  18-08-2016
Aperçu Rapide
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